I, (Hilary) have to confess that the ‘C’ word was first used by us at Aylesford Farmer’s Market in August! Shocking behaviour but we wanted to test out our Christmas Nut Roast and what better way than on real people and not just our parents 🙂

It’s now nearly the end of September and Christmas stuff is already for sale in some shops it feels as though I can talk about it a bit more. The Christmas Nut Roast recipe has been tweaked over the past couple of months to the point where 95% of people who tasted it said they would order and luckily some did!

The (Vegan) Nut Roast are now available to pre-order and come in three sizes;

  • S – 1 Person, perfect for that visiting Vegan or Veggie £4.50
  • M – 2 People £7.50
  • L – 4 People £13.50

If you have a food intolerance please do let us know as we will discuss creating a ‘special’ one just for you.

How to I get hold of a Christmas Nut Roast?

They can be ordered through the form below and can be collected at Tonbridge Farmer’s Market on 14th October or 11th November or Aylesford Farmer’s Market on 21st October, 18th November or 16th December.

Alternatively you can order for delivery to be made on Friday 21st December – please call 07594 556506